Lorrie Bearden, ZKS Personnel Director, Elected President Of CFCALA

LCB_headshot_5_13_14_441x640Lorrie C. Bearden, Personnel Director of Zimmerman Kiser Sutcliffe (ZKS) law firm, was recently sworn-in as 2014-2015 President of the Central Florida Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators (CFCALA). The CFCALA was chartered in 1977 and currently has over 80 members. The Chapter’s diverse membership represents private and corporate entities ranging in size from solo practitioners to large, international firms. The chapter hosts monthly luncheons which feature speakers addressing a full range of topics directly relating to law office management and administration an provides a opportunity for legal professionals to network.

Lorrie Bearden, with ZKS since 1992, has served the firm in the areas of human resources, marketing, strategic planning and as a key firm leader, working closely with the firm’s President Stephen B. Hatcher.  Lorrie has been a member of the National ALA and Central Florida Chapter ALA for 20 years. She has chaired multiple committees, served 11 terms in different positions on the chapter board.  In 2009, Lorrie received the Outstanding Service Award for her chapter, recognized for her leadership in the chapter’s raising over $20,000.00 for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. According to Steve Hatcher, “Lorrie is a fantastic choice as President of the CFCALA. She is one of the most multi-talented people I know and has a daily and irreplaceably positive impact on both our culture and our operations.  We would clearly not be the firm we are without her input and influence.”

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