40th Annual ZKS Winter Park Road Race

On March 25th, 2017 Track Shack held the 40th anniversary of the ZKS Winter Park Road Race for over 5300 runners.  Over 50 participants joined the race “virtually” running in 24 different states and 5 different countries! 

The race, consisting of a 2 mile race, a 10K race or a combination of both known as the Distance Dare, was one of the best participated races in its impressive 40 year run!  This year ZKS had over 60 staff and attorneys participating in the race by running and/or volunteering! 

We are thankful for the opportunity to be involved with our local community and enjoy being able to spend time with our employees and clients as we work towards healthy lifestyles.

ZKS would like to congratulate the 10K men and women category overall winners; Raymond McCormack who ran an impressive 31:09 and Natasha Yaremezuk at 36:50.  A big round of applause to Matthew Fahy who won the Distance Dare (8.2 miles) running a combined time of 54:29.  However, the biggest congratulations goes to all the participants who continue to get out and push themselves to reach their personal best – we are proud to be a part of that commitment!


For more information on TrackShack events visit: http://trackshack.com/events.php 

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