Forbes Magazine Reports on Kevin Robinson’s Victory in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

A number of national news outlets, including Forbes Magazine and Law360, have reported on ZKS appellate attorney Kevin Robinson’s recent victory in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The Forbes article can be found here: [].  The case involved a bankruptcy debtor’s attempt to exempt from creditors the assets of his self-directed IRA.  The Eleventh Circuit’s opinion can be found at 927 F.3d 1223 (11th Cir. 2019)[].  Mr. Robinson’s appellate victory affirmed the successful trial verdict obtained by ZKS bankruptcy attorney Bradley Anderson in his representation of ZKS bankruptcy attorney and Chapter 7 Trustee Richard Webber.  This ruling resulted in the Bankruptcy Estate recovering significant assets for distribution to Mr. Yerian’s creditors and caps a series of successful trial and appellate victories for the ZKS team in this case.

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