ZKS Gives Back

In September, Tim Schulte, President of ZKS, participated with African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (“ALARM”) to facilitate a justice training conference for Judges and lawyer in Burundi, Africa.  ALARM has been on the cutting edge of resolving tribal and religious violence in East Central Africa for 25 years.  Part of the ALARM strategy is to provide education and resources to judges, lawyers, police, and military.  Topics at the conference included stopping bribery and corruption in the justice system, enforcing laws protecting orphans and widows, the jury trial system, and servant leadership. 

Tim has traveled three times to Africa on similar trips.  A few years ago, he helped facilitate a similar conference in the South Sudan, which is the youngest country in the world.  South Sudan is in the midst of converting from an Arabic legal system to a common law legal system.  Tim said: “My efforts in Africa have always been appreciated by the legal professionals in Africa.  Africans want the same things as Americans.  They want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for their country and their children.”

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